Reliv Independent Distributor
 Al's back

My name is Al Nason and I have lived in Deer River, Minnesota for most of my life, except for the time spent in the Marine Corps and a couple of years in Minneapolis. I have been to school for heavy equipment, auto body repair and finally decided on nursing. Nursing has been the most fulfilling because I enjoy helping people. 

Before I found Reliv I was dealing with major back issues. I have had multiple surgeries for my back and shoulders. Since my twenties, I've experienced tremendous discomfort in my neck, arms and feet. I had trouble walking even when it was for a short distance and I had trouble bending over to reach anything. I was living a poor quality of life. I slowly forced myself to walk to get a little stronger each day. Within the first few weeks since I started taking the Reliv nutrition, in mid- April 2016, I noticed increased energy and decreased back discomfort. My quality of life has improved significantly! I couldn't be happier.! I have been able to dig holes through clay and carry 5 gallon buckets of dirt and crushed stone. It's easier to bend and I enjoy walking.

The improved health benefits have been amazing. My only regret is that I had not found these incredible products sooner!
